Install Php On Windows Server 2008 R2 Fastcgi

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Were having a baffling problem. Were running 15 servers in a server farm, all on IIS6. NET 2. 0. We took one of the servers out of the serverfarm rotation. I am trying to run PHP via FastCGI on a Windows 2008 server. I followed this installation doc httplearn. WebWindows Server 2003 R2 IIS6. PHP5. 6. 2moodle 1. DBWindows Server 2003 MS SQL Server 2000ASPLMS. Install Php On Windows Server 2008 R2 Fastcgi' title='Install Php On Windows Server 2008 R2 Fastcgi' />Install Php On Windows Server 2008 R2 FastcgiIIS6. Fast. CGI Go Live, Windows Server 2. With all the hoopla about Fast. CGI on IIS I thought Id give it a whirl. Heres what I did. Installed Windows Server 2. R2 Standard Edition. Windows Server 2012 R2. PHPphp 5. 5. 8. MySQLMySQL5. PHP. Selected Application Server role. This installs IIS 6. Setup autologin since this is a disposable virtual machine. Fought IE7s draconian security popups to download Firefox. Downloaded mysql essential 5. Downloaded php 5. Win. 32. This non thread safe version is recommended to use Fast. Install Php On Windows Server 2008 R2 Fastcgi' title='Install Php On Windows Server 2008 R2 Fastcgi' />Install Php On Windows Server 2008 R2 FastcgiCGI. Extracted the contents to C php. Went to My Computer Properties Advanced Environmental Variables and added ,C php to the PATH variable. Renamed php. ini dist to php. I used php. ini dist since this is just a development box. In php. ini uncommented fastcgi. How To Use Tool Magnetizer more. I plan to run it with IIS. C Inetpub set session. C phpsessiondataOpened port 8. I can now send a request to IIS and get back a response in my web browser. The response is an Under Construction page since I havent set a default page in IIS yet. Made a index. htm file and said Hello World. Downloaded Fast. CGI Extension for IIS6. The End User License Agreement includes this You may not disclose the results of any benchmark tests of the software to any third party without Microsofts prior written approval. Thus you will not see any benchmarks from me. And this If you give feedback about the software to Microsoft, you give to Microsoft, without charge, the right to use, share and commercialize your feedback in any way and for any purpose. Thus you will not see any feedback about the Microsoft Fast. CGI Extension for IIS 5. Go Live software from me. Configured Fast. CGI according to these instructions. My C WINDOWSsystem. TypesphpPHPPHPExe. PathC phpphp cgi. I created a basic hello. Hello world from PHP. Wii Serial Number Checker more. I can now do phpphp. Inetpubwwwroothello. But hitting it through IIS results in. The Fast. CGI Handler was unable to process the request. Error Details The Fast. CGI process exited unexpectedly. Error Number 2. Error Description Unspecified error. HTTP Error 5. 00 Server Error. Internet Information Services IISUsing Rick James Fake Fast. CGI Web Server to say. C fakefcgi. Inetpubwwwroothello. I get. Fake Fast. CGI web server. FCGIPARAMS sent. FCGISTDIN sent. Launching receive loop. FCGISTDOUT Status 4. Internet Download Manager With Key And Crack on this page. X Powered By PHP5. Content type texthtml. No input file specified. FCGIENDREQUEST receivedkilling app. Fast. CGI process exited with 0. I installed procmon and discovered that the IIS user NETWORK SERVICE did not have Execute access to C phpphp. Once that was granted, my hello. The next problem was that I wanted to set up Drupal, so clearly I need to run My. SQL. But PHP would not load the C phpextphpmysqli. Again, a permissions issue solved by giving NETWORK SERVICE access. Clearly I must have missed the permissions section of the PHP installation docs. Thanks to Drew Robbins of Microsoft for debugging the extension permissions issues.